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Small Business

Latest Small Business News – February 2017

  • Small Business Owners Expect Growth in 2017: A large percentage of American small business owners are optimistic for growth in 2017 with some important investments in their businesses, including hiring, according to a recent survey of more than 1,200 small business owners. Interestingly, the optimism among small business owners significantly outpaces that of the general public.
  • eBook Addresses Health Reimbursement Arrangements for Small Business: The Small Business HRA, just established in December 2016 through the 21st Century Cures Act, allows employees to purchase their own individual health insurance policy independent of the company. Zane Benefits has launched its newest resource, The Comprehensive Guide to the Small Business HRA. The ebook offers support for businesses considering offering a Small Business Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA).
  • Federal Taxes and ACA Create Mountain of Regulations for Small Business: A recent survey from the National Small Business Association (NSBA) found that regulatory burden falls squarely on the small-business owner, as he/she handles the bulk of federal regulatory compliance. The top two most burdensome areas for small business were the federal tax code and Affordable Care Act. Astoundingly, 14 percent of small-business owners report they spend more than 20 hours per month on federal regulations.
  • Survey: Small Business Owners Upbeat on Trump: The State of Small Business Report, a recent survey of small business owners, shows more than half believe Donald Trump’s administration will have a positive impact on their business, while only 9% think he will have a negative impact.
  • What is a Business? FASB Clarifies Definition: The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued an Accounting Standards Update (ASU) that clarifies the definition of a business. The ASU affects all companies and other reporting organizations that must determine whether they have acquired or sold a business.


See inside February 2017

Latest Tax & Compliance News – February 2017

The Top Five Business Tax Issues of 2017: “The tax action list for business leaders in 2017 is relatively short, but it is critical for organizational success,” says Jeffrey C. LeSage, Vice Chairman-Tax at KPMG LLP. Here are LeSage’s five action items for business leaders in 2017. Report Looks at eCommerce Corporate Income Tax Issues: […]


Latest Payroll News – February 2017

Payroll in 2017: What to Expect: As we prepare for a new administration, let’s take a look at what we know, what will change and what 2017 may bring. 5 Manager Mistakes that Can Cause Labor Lawsuits: Employee lawsuits are exploding nationwide in the past few years, and manager mistakes are the cause of […]
